ENVIRONMENT, we take care of our planet

COHITECH’s products not only take care of the women’s health, but they also take care of our environment.

Most of the pads, panty liners and tampons we can usually find on the market are made with non-natural materials that many women’s sensitive skin cannot tolerate and are usually also harmful to our environment.

Our products are made with natural, ecological and biodegradable materials with less environmental impact.

COHITECH, social and environmental commitment

We promote a sustainable lifestyle model, which respects and protects the environment, our territory and our culture.

ENVIRONMENTAL IMPACT REDUCTION: in the manufacture of our organic products we use techniques that minimize the use of chemicals, water and energy. There is in a hydroelectric plant in our facilities that naturally produces more electricity than we use.

RESPECT THE RIGHT OF WORKERS: our organic products also guarantee the right of the workers in the whole cultivation and production chain, from harvesting the cotton to the end product.

SUPPORT TO SOCIAL ORGANIZATIONS: because we believe that the responsibility of a brand is not only provide a good product, but requires a real commitment to people helping the disadvantages groups.

COHITECH_social_environmental_commitment_promote_sustainable_lifestyle_model_ environment_territory_natural_ecological_ecofriendly_women_hygiene

We use Organic Cotton

Organic cotton, also known in some countries as bio or organic, is the type of cotton that has been grown without the use of chemical pesticides, insecticides or fertilizers.

Some of Organic Cotton production process main advantages, making it more eco-friendly are:

  • Strengthens the soil with crop rotation (rather than using synthetic fertilizers and monocultures predominate).
  • Retains water more efficiently through the use of organic material in the soil (rather than requiring intensive irrigation).
  • Removes physically weeds and control them manually instead of using herbicides.
  • Maintains a balance between pests and their natural predators through a healthy soil (rather than using chemical insecticides, highly toxic pesticides, sprays and air pollutants).
  • Trust in the seasonal freezing for defoliation. You can stimulate it with water management (rather than pluck with toxic chemicals).
  • Seeds are not treated artificially (rather than with fungicides or insecticides, and genetically modify them).

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COTTON HIGH TECH, S.L ha recibido una ayuda para su proyecto de autoconsumo “Instal·lació fotovoltaica”, cofinanciada por el Mecanismo Europeo de Recuperación y Resiliencia PRTR-Next Generation EU, coordinada por el Ministerio para la Transición Ecológica y el Reto Demográfico través de IDAE y gestionada por las autonomías según el Real Decreto 477/2021, con el objetivo de conseguir una economía más limpia y sostenible. Se ha elaborado un proyecto de autoconsumo con fuentes de energía renovable, consistente en una instalación de placas fotovoltaicas en las instalaciones de Balsareny. En este proyecto se han instalado 812 módulos de 450 Wp con una potencia total de 365,40 kWp.


Una manera de hacer Europa

COTTON HIGH TECH, S.L. ha participado en el Programa de Iniciación a la Exportación ICEX‐Next, y ha contado con el apoyo de ICEX y con la cofinanciación de Fondos europeos FEDER. La finalidad de este apoyo es contribuir al desarrollo internacional de la empresa y de su entorno.”

RCI-040000-2016-221 project financed by:


New autonomous line of manufacturing of pads for feminine intimate hygiene

File Number: RCI-040000-2017-150