Pioneers in the production and development of Organic Cotton Feminine Hygiene

Cohitech – Cotton High Tech, S.L. offers the more complete Feminine Hygiene product range: Sanitary Pads, Pantyliners, Tampons and other related products, made with Organic and Natural Cotton.

Differential values of Cohitech

Patented system

Organic cotton security veil that surrounds the tampon 360° to prevent the remains of fibers from remaining inside.

Patented system

Prevents lateral leakage through the wings by distributing menstrual flow throughout the absorbent core.

Reusable tampon

It allows to reduce the environmental impact of single-use tampon applicators.

Cotton, the HEALTHIER, NATURAL and ECOLOGICAL choice for the Feminine Hygiene

Health: we take care of women’s health offering products which help to prevent the risks of irritations and alergias.

Environment: we respect el planeta produciendo productos made with natural y orgánico materiales, biodegradables and eco-friendly.

Social responsibility: We guarantee workers rights in the whole cultivation and manufacture chain, from the farmers who cultivate the cotton till the end product. We cooperate with social organizations.

A complete manufacturing process with internal R&D

From the reception of the raw materials in their natural stage (cotton bales), all the materials are processed with machinery developed internally and patented to produce this high premium quality products.

We are a young, active and agile company that adapts to all our costumers needs.

TOTAL QUALITY, the basis of our system

Our rigorous Total Quality Management System based on 21 CFR 820 – QSR Quality System Regulation from US FDA (Food and Drug Administration) guarantees our highest quality products and services. We are also ISO 9001: 2015 certified (See Quality Policy).

Registered by the USFDA – Food and Drug Administration of USA. Our products are certified by Cotton Inc. for the use of cotton; and, by ICEA (Istituto per la Certificazione Etica e Ambientale) as Organic under GOTS (Global Organic Textile Standard).

All our products have been tested as hypoallergenic ‘non-irritant’ by external labs.

From our facilities in BARCELONA to all the world

Our facilities are located in a beautiful landscape in the building of an old textile factory built in 1872 named ‘La Rabeia’ in Balsareny town, close to Barcelona City, Spain. There we still made naturally electricity with an hydroelectric plant that uses the water of the river.

Our exceptional strategic situation allows us to distribute our products easily by road, sea or air.

With a surface of more than 10.000sqm where 5.500sqm are buildings whith the different areas: production, warehousing and offices; our facilities are a bet for today and for the future.

Cotton High Tech - COHITECH

Colònia la Rabeia, s/n
08660 Balsareny · Barcelona · Spain
Telf.: (+34) 93 839 16 28
Fax: (+34) 93 839 19 44

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ADDITIONAL INFORMATION: more information in our privacy policy.

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Cotton High Tech, S.L. ha sido beneficiaria de la línea de ayudas 2024 para la Certificación Internacional del programa de “Mentoring y apoyo a la internacionalización de la PYME” de la Cámara Oficial de Comercio, Industria, Servicios y Navegación de España, en el marco del Plan de Recuperación, Transformación y Resiliencia (PRTR)

Cotton High Tech, S.L. ha sido beneficiaria de la línea de ayudas 2024 para el Mentoring Internacional del programa de “Mentoring y apoyo a la internacionalización de la PYME” de la Cámara Oficial de Comercio, Industria, Servicios y Navegación de España, en el marco del Plan de Recuperación, Transformación y Resiliencia (PRTR)

COTTON HIGH TECH, S.L ha recibido una ayuda para su proyecto de autoconsumo “Instal·lació fotovoltaica”, cofinanciada por el Mecanismo Europeo de Recuperación y Resiliencia PRTR-Next Generation EU, coordinada por el Ministerio para la Transición Ecológica y el Reto Demográfico través de IDAE y gestionada por las autonomías según el Real Decreto 477/2021, con el objetivo de conseguir una economía más limpia y sostenible. Se ha elaborado un proyecto de autoconsumo con fuentes de energía renovable, consistente en una instalación de placas fotovoltaicas en las instalaciones de Balsareny. En este proyecto se han instalado 812 módulos de 450 Wp con una potencia total de 365,40 kWp.


Una manera de hacer Europa

COTTON HIGH TECH, S.L. ha participado en el Programa de Iniciación a la Exportación ICEX‐Next, y ha contado con el apoyo de ICEX y con la cofinanciación de Fondos europeos FEDER. La finalidad de este apoyo es contribuir al desarrollo internacional de la empresa y de su entorno.”

RCI-040000-2016-221 project financed by:


New autonomous line of manufacturing of pads for feminine intimate hygiene

File Number: RCI-040000-2017-150